No Survivors Reported – Last known transmission from the area… static follows. Proceed with caution.
    No Survivors Reported – Last known transmission from the area… static follows. Proceed with caution.
    No Survivors Reported – Last known transmission from the area… static follows. Proceed with caution.


Read up on our rules. If you play on our servers, you agree to have read and abide by these rules. Not knowing them is not an excuse for breaking them!

Server/Chat Rules

General Rules
  • The main language of the community and server is English.
  • Hacking, cheating, glitching, or exploiting is strictly prohibited. No exceptions.
  • Players are allowed only one game and Discord account. Multiple accounts will result in penalties.
  • Maximum of 2 cars per player/group.
  • Only 1 base is allowed per player/group.
  • Logging out inside another player's base is not allowed.

In-Game Chat Rules
  • Respect all players. Harassment, hate speech, and offensive language are forbidden.
  • No spamming, including repeated messages or excessive use of caps.
  • Do not promote other servers or content.
  • Toxic behavior, trolling, or provocation is not allowed.
  • Sharing personal information is strictly prohibited.
  • Discussing cheats is not allowed.
  • Do not reveal the location of other players' bases.
  • Follow staff decisions. Arguing with staff in chat is forbidden.

Metagaming is strictly forbidden:
  • Sharing live location, raid plans, or loot details in public chat is prohibited.
  • Sharing information learned after your character's death (e.g., who killed you, their location, or what they’re carrying).
  • Seeking revenge or hunting players based on OOC (Out-of-Character) information, such as Discord discussions or chat logs.
  • Communicating with opponents in public chat about ongoing in-game actions or trying to influence their decisions with OOC information.
  • Using livestreams or recordings to locate or gain an unfair advantage over other players.
  • Joining another group’s Discord or in-game team to gather information and using it against them.

  • Once you gain access to a base, you may raid freely, but excessive destruction beyond looting is discouraged.

PvP Rules
  • Attacking fresh spawns in designated spawn zones is strictly forbidden.

Bug/Compensation Policy
  • No compensation for lost, bugged loot, or game crashes unless video evidence is provided.

Base Building Rules
  • No building within 200m of military zones.
  • Do not build in high-traffic loot areas such as schools, police stations, or guardhouses.
  • All bases must have a clear, accessible entrance and exit point (doors or gates).
  • Bases cannot use glitched or clipped walls, floors, or objects that make entry or exit impossible.
  • Blocking all entrances with walls, tents, or vehicles to make a base unraidable is not allowed.
  • Floating bases (e.g., high-up walls or gates without ramps or stairs) are prohibited.
  • Maximum base limit: 15 doors/gates and 40 walls/fences (Total: 55 units).

Structure Rules
  • Maintain a 2-player distance between doors and 5-player distance between gates.
  • Log walls are not allowed.

Raiding Rules
  • Raiding is allowed but do not occupy, block, or lock other players' bases.
  • No raiding during server restarts or by exploiting defenses.
  • Bases without a flag can be raided at any time (24/7).
  • Bases with a flag can only be raided from Friday 18:00 to Monday 00:00 CET.
  • Players are advised to record and save all raid activities as evidence if disputes arise.

Group Rules
  • Maximum group size: 12 players.
  • Maximum of 5 players moving together in a group.
  • If two groups (5+5) operate together, they must maintain a 500m distance.
  • Group leaders are responsible for their members' actions.

Alliance Rules
  • Alliances are allowed.
  • Each group can belong to only one alliance.
  • Alliances may participate in raids but with a maximum of 6 players at a time.
  • Alliances may defend together, but only 3 players from an allied group may assist.
  • The distance between allied groups' base locations must be at least 1km.
  • Maximum of 5 players together while running/looting.
  • Allied groups may not share the same base.
  • All aliances must be Declared in Discord!

Common Sense
  • If an action feels unfair, disruptive, or against the spirit of the game, do not do it.

  • Violating any rule will result in penalties, including base deletion or a ban, depending on severity.


By playing on our servers, you agree to have read and abide by these rules. Project Virus reserves the right to modify these rules at any time without prior notification. It is the players’ responsibility to keep up-to-date. We always aim to be as fair and just as possible, but we reserve the right to ban without reason - an admins decision is final!